Measure Anything — IDEAS Winter 2016
Your team is missing deadlines. Customers are complaining about the content you produce. Costs of producing content seem to be escalating. Your writers are stressed out. You want to adopt new strategies and best practices, but you’re stuck in a rut and you can’t show the ROI. Clearly, it doesn’t take an organizational thermometer to see that all’s not as it should be—there’s something affecting the overall health of your organization. But what can you do to diagnose the issues and, more importantly, monitor them in the future so that you can take preventive actions before you face an epidemic?
Managers seem to be ever on a quest for the right metrics to measure organizational well being and justify change. What are the key indicators of a healthy organization? What are the compelling statistics that grab management’s attention and inspire support?
Just as importantly, how do we measure these things? Frequently, the things we know how to measure don’t tell us what we want to know, and the things we want to know, we can’t or don’t know how to measure. How do we gather the data we need without a lot of overhead? How do we address the fears of our team?
CIDM invites you to our Winter 2016 Online Conference to tackle these questions. Learn from your colleagues in the industry about what metrics they find most meaningful and useful when managing their projects and their departments. Gather hints and tips for how to best gather and interpret these metrics.
Read the descriptions of the eleven presentations.