Ready for a New Approach to Content Development?
Presentation Abstract
JoAnn Hackos, CIDM Director, reports on the CIDM survey of user-generated content. Find out why companies are soliciting users to contribute content. Consider the reasons why some companies are not. Learn about the mechanisms that organizations use to gather content contributed by users, and why customers are motivated to become contributors. Learn that it’s not just about gathering content from willing customers. Content curation can easily become a major responsibility for information developers. If you move to user-generated content, know what it takes to be prepared.
Meet the Presenter
For more than 30 years, Dr. Hackos has addressed audiences internationally on subjects ranging from content management, project management, effective interfaces and information, minimal information products, usability testing, and online and Web-based information, to managing the information design and development process. Her workshops are dedicated to enhancing the practices and products that will best promote customer satisfaction. She authored Information Development: Managing Your Documentation Projects, Portfolio and People (Wiley 2006), Content Management for Dynamic Web Delivery (Wiley 2002), Managing Your Documentation Projects (Wiley 1994), Standards for Online Communication (Wiley 1997), and User and Task Analysis for Interface Design (Wiley 1998). JoAnn is a Fellow and Past President of the International Society for Technical Communication (STC).