January 28 and 29, 2020
Join us for the 10th IDEAS Online Conference, where we explore Digital Transformation and Technical Communication.
We are a community of people who believe that international standards, structured content, reuse capabilities, and multiple media delivery are the directions of the future.
What to Expect

IDEAS is a two-day industry conference that you can attend virtually from the comfort of your own office. The conference includes a keynote session, followed by five 60-minute concurrent sessions in two tracks, giving you a choice of 11 unique presentations. Participate live according to the published schedule or watch a recording of any session when it is more convenient for you. IDEAS Online Conferences are scheduled twice a year, providing focused and interactive online sessions led by recognized industry leaders and experienced peers. This unique conference offers information designed to appeal to information-development professionals at all skill levels.
Who should attend

“Digital Transformation” – it’s a mainstream buzzword of epic proportions. There’s a lot of hype, but not a lot of definition around what it means. Perhaps this lack of definition is the reason that in an April 2019 ICE survey, only 8% of 6300 IT executives considered themselves truly digitally transformed and 23% indicated they were still in the early stages of their transformation. What is clear, however, is that digital transformation is more than digitization – more than simply applying digital technologies to all aspects of the business. It must also include adjusting the processes that create, enable, manage, and deliver digitized products.
How have digital transformation initiatives impacted technical communication organizations? What changes are we as an industry truly making to become transformed? Are we indeed thinking differently about the processes and products we deploy or have we simply changed our tools?
We look forward to seeing you online in January!