When Machines Curate Their Own Service Content

Presentation Abstract

IoT provides enormous opportunities to get more out of structured content by enabling the automated curation of relevant topics. Imagine if a machine curated its own service information based on fault codes and other environmental readings.

What can attendees expect to learn?

The audience will have a high-level understanding of how intelligent content can be curated by machines.


Meet the Presenter

Todd Burdin is a Vice President of Business Development for the PTC Solutions Group at Oberon Technologies and has over 20 years of enterprise software development, implementation and business consulting expertise in content management, automated publishing, and content delivery across many industries.  Todd is also a Solution Architect and has worked with industry-leading companies on implementing every facet of an automated publishing solution such as conversion, stylesheet development, data modeling, translations, taxonomies, XSL development, content management, workflow, dynamic assembly, publishing, and automated distribution of information.




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