Sharing Your Space: How Digital Has Revolutionized Content Creation and Ways You Can Leverage A New Ideology

Presentation Abstract
In some sectors, digital ideology is moving away from protected information to shared content.
In this presentation, we will examine five specific areas where digital content is being curated and how we can leverage this new ideology.


What can attendees expect to learn?

What can we learn from this ‘sharing’ revolution, and how can we leverage this ideology as information developers?

In this presentation, we will examine five specific areas where content is being curated and shared in the digital space and how we can leverage this new ideology.

  1. Five areas where curated content is thriving in the digital space
  2. How to use curated content in the digital space while respecting copyright
  3. How curated content can become a collaboration effort with content creators
  4. Ways information developers can leverage curated content in the digital space


Meet the Presenter

Toni Ressaire is a technical communicator and book publisher at Route 11 Publications. She teaches and blogs about publishing at

From the Web to mobile phones, sharing content has become a way of life. People of all ages, in all professions, and from diverse societies have become information developers and content curators. Even our children are now creating and sharing content.

Much of this content creation and sharing is happening in the non-professional space. But even in the professional space, there is a change in mindset regarding the sharing of content. Some of the most successful content creators have reached large audiences and gained success by sharing their content and giving it away for free.




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